Member  News And Activites 

July 24TH, 2024 - Meet and Greet! See the ugly mugs you've been talking to on the radio!
July 25th, 2024 - Hopefully a sunny day. One word: Food!!!!!!
July 26th, 2024 - The Famous Fantastic Fun-Filled Friday Chili Dog Feed! Can you eat more than our Sheriff? Give it a try and get pushups as a reward!
July 27th, 2024 - There is the silent auction from 9:00 a.m. Please bring radios and stuff all proceeds go to our group for prizes and supplies for next year. Then the Sensational Seasonal Pot Luck Dinner at noon or so! Please bring a main dish salad and a dessert so More food, fun in the sun, and hopefully a good time had by all. and don't forget about the raffle $1.00 for the small prizes and $2.00 for the large (radios) prizes also don't forget to bring something that you have no more use for and put it in for the silent auction at around 10 a.m. all proceeds will go for next years picnic also the ladies have a present exchange between them. 
July 28th, 2024 - Drive home day. Have a safe trip, and see you all next year! Get home in one piece! The picnic is in Ryderwood City Park go all the way through town it's between 2nd Street and 1st Street so you can't miss it. dry camp $10.00 a night there is water at the covered building kitchen and if you need better directions the man to ask is Jim W7ZHQ


Our new President is now W7MB Henry congrats buddy

2024 NW7CC net picnic

WB7B Cousin Ole Johnson became an SK on January 1st, 2024 from complications from C.O.P.D and used to be one of our webmasters