The Northwest Country Cousins is an amateur radio-directed net that meets each evening on or near the frequency 3968 kHz at 7:00 PM pacific local time.

Mission Statement:
         The Country Cousins Net is an international group of amateur radio operators recognized by the ARRL and dedicated to serving and helping our fellow man. We are not a traffic handling net but we will handle any emergency traffic without delay. Our motto: Service and help to all. When in need, call a country cousin.

          On this site, you will find our group photos, health, and welfare.  Please check out upcoming events on the  events page. You can also find out how to become a member, check out who our net officers and net controls are see our membership roster, and a whole lot more.  Our old website is no longer and Facebook group page and all links are on the side of this page. Thank you for visiting, and please enjoy it. And be sure to send us a line and let us know what you think of the website and send to  Thanks, Paul KF7HMS

Here is the two SDR's when the band goes bad this winter you can hear The net Utah web SDR is and the California SDR link: and the Canada SDR


I do not want to hear anyone bashing anyone about politics on either side of the border on this site or the net. This is no place for that this page and the net itself are for friendship and positive comments and NOT a bunch of negative comments, or I will say something about it, and if anyone wants to label me as a ass h%$#, then so be it because I am getting to the point that this is not why I got my license is to hear all the bickering and I am to the point of getting ready to give it all up. KF7HMS